Interesting... like the use of the DRILL NB sample and the use of your own drums... but that kind of kills the consistency of the drums throughout the song. The switch up is kind of weird. What you should have done, IMHO, is have drill nb come up in the beginning, then bring out your drums and mess with them only. I give exception to the build with drill nb.
One problem is the the use of those bells.... too loud, and they can get kind of annoying, and the same goes for the synth. Pitch should be a little bit lower. Bass is great. Truly is.
Spend a little bit more time with your mastering and mixing. Some things get louder and other things get softer. Much inconsistency in those volume levels... try to be as careful when you mess with those volume controls and modulations. At one point, the synth gets way loud, and then when the drums come in, they are loud, and the synth+bells stay right behind them. Have to be careful of that volume.
But either way, you are doing very well for yourself. It's a wonder how the people have kill its score, and mine still lives. I still expect it to die sometime this afternoon lol. Well, keep doing what you love. I know you'll get EVEN better at it. Awesome job mate.