Heyy Viewtiful Masta... or should I say...
Mitrox =) Didn't know you went under another name. Been a long time. This is a pretty hawt song. Dig the clarity in the mix down. Great job with that.
1. Intro... it's pretty good. Love that bass.
2. The drums sound industrial a little bit. Nice back up synth to give the song a nice flow.
3. It all comes together. Very nicely. Well done. Some nice effects you put in the bass.
4. Wow, very heavy kicks and snares XD That's cool. Industrial like hi hats. Fits well, considering it's called Titanium Bullet.
5. Not bad ending. Fade outs are pretty cool.
Alrighty then. It's been a while since I have heard a song this clear in volume. There's like no feed back. It's so unbelievably clear. Drums and the bass were brought out nicely, nice build ups. Pretty heavy though. Which isn't bad. Fit's the song, actually.
My only problem is that this song lacks a melody, which can progress the song even more in it's entirety. Maybe something synthy that can be added, or probably a second bass as a make up for the melody. Whatever floats your boat, you know? Pretty well done, nonetheless. I dig the track. Fave it, and I hope to hear more from you. Keep it real~