Hello, again! It's been quite some time, yes? I saw that you were asking for a review. Couldn't help but chuckle a bit because I don't really know that much about music, but more about music theory. The music part just comes when I'm messing around with sounds and then form a song based on whatever sound I made. But, anyway, enough of my ramblings, eh?
So... let's start this from the beginning. *rewinds* This rap vocal, I swear I've heard it before. Not sure where though.
The chord progression on those strings right after the vocal starts was very good, but as it entered into a different pattern with that sporadically abrupt kick roll, it wasn't too good. I would have been happier that you stuck with that first chord progression for about 32 bars, or in the least 16, before you entered the kick roll into the next section.
The kick roll sounds a bit overused, and I think it would have been better to fade in that kick roll, so that you add better presence to the drums, instead of starting them so quickly. The drum kit itself could use a bit more love. When the bass comes in, it drowns the kick just a little bit. (What I mean, is that it makes the kick lose its punch.)
As for the snare, you've got the low-mids of it set pretty nice, but I would like a bit of resonance (colour) on it. So, I would suggest increasing some of the high or high-mids in the equalizer so that it sounds better, instead of a muddy snare.
The hats don't fill out the kit as much as it should. Have the hat that comes straight after the kick playing every second step in the sequencer (or piano roll, whichever you are using).
As for your bass, I hear lots of uber lows / low-mids resonating from it when it plays by itself. Tone this down a little bit so that you leave some room for your kick and your snare. Most likely around 210 Hz - 300 Hz, and roll off some of the 32 Hz and below so that it doesn't overpower the track. A bit of colour could be added here as well.
Now when you have your hats, they just barely push through. Cut off all of the unnecessary lows so that they won't be drowned out, preferably from the lower end of the spectrum to about the low-mids. Increase some of the highs just a little bit, and lower the higher end so that it doesn't have too much resonance.
As for your strings, it'd be great to have most of your low ends rolled off, and scoop some of your mids so that they sound better. Make sure to lower any resonance left behind in the strings. (They do get a little sporadic and repetitive after a while. You might want to lower their volume as well, because they do sounds a tad touch too loud, eh?)
The mixing could be much better. I can hear the kick, the strings, and the bass clash when you bring them together. The bass and the strings are fighting each other, and the kit is just getting drowned by the power of the bass, and even more by the volume of the strings. But... you're getting there. (You don't have to take all of this to heart. They are just suggestions.)
As for the song itself, it's not bad. The sound effects put onto the kit sound pretty cool. Gotta love that cut off. That vocal is repeated every so often, and makes an interesting addition to the track. Quite nice, but could have some more effort put into the mixing (not saying that there wasn't, because I'm sure you worked on this for quite a while). So, my conclusion? A good job, but much more could be done with it. Keep on trying, and keep on practicing. You'll get there, my man!
(I'll review your tracks anytime lol.)