It was pretty cool.
Not bad, not bad. Dig the bass, and cool arrangement of the amen break. Nice vocal chorus there going along with the bass. Although, I find that there's no real "progression" in the song. It just doesn't to be really be like... "going somewhere", know what I mean? It's just kind of static, and just repeating the same lines and same patterns. =/
I mean, for what it is, it's pretty cool, but it needs to progress, and if you do that, you'll get to the next level in producing music =].
I noticed that there's no real mixing involved, and it just kind of peaks all over the place, especially when the bass comes in and goes away. Then I just hear the drums massively taking over the song, itself. Another one of the things that you need to get down.
As for the drums, they sound pretty nice. I mean, it is an amen break, and that break is awesome, but you gotta vary it up a bit sometimes. Best thing to do get to go out on the internet, and find yourself some unknown breaks and samples, to you. You'll build up a good pack of sounds that way, and you can probably make some original drums, once you get to learn some more.
Bass sounds pretty good, but it's your general, stationary reese bass. No real change. So another thing you have got to learn is how to modulate a bass, so you can get some pretty cool sounds out of it.
Just kind of the few stipulations that I have with this track, but, nonetheless, quite nice to listen to. A major improvement from V2, and I'm glad you pushed the bass/choral pattern up an octave. It felt kind of weird listening to V2 =/
A very nice job, but needs a lot more improvement.
(I can provide some links and some tips on the aforementioned things I have listed here, if you'd like. Nothing better than helping out a fellow producer.)